Medical Grade Facials 

A thorough evaluation of your skin will be performed to tailor a facial specifically to your skin’s needs. Your skin type never changes, however skin conditions vary from day to day, so no two facials are ever the same. Your customized facial treatment will include cleansing, exfoliation, extractions and may incorporate a Hydrating, Anti-aging, or Detoxifying treatment. Each facial treatment is followed by 20 minutes of LED light therapy to energize cells and stimulate the body's natural healing process. Preventative facials are your best defense against pre-mature aging skin by preventing toxic build up, dehydration and collagen breakdown. Facials are 75-90 minutes.

starts at $300

Microcurrent Facial

A Microcurrent Facial is often referred to as the “natural” facelift because it is safe and painless. The treatment is administered with two hand held prongs that deliver precise dosages of low-voltage energy to the face that mimic your body’s own electrical currents to improve facial muscle tone, reduce puffiness, increase blood circulation and cellular activity. This treatment is often referred to as facial toning because it’s like a Pilates workout for your face; skin cells are broken down and then regenerated, the same way your muscles respond after an intense workout. This is my go to treatment for individuals that have a special event to attend or who are looking for a less invasive, pain free anti-aging treatment.Just like a workout at the gym, the results are cumulative and a consecutive series of treatments is recommended. For long term results, the recommended course of treatment is series of 10 to 15 treatments within the first 6 weeks, followed by a 3 month maintenance schedule.

$250 per treatment

*package pricing available


Dermaplaning gently removes the outer most layer of dead skin cells on the face, it is excellent on its own or combined with silk peel facials, chemical peels or laser treatments. This manual exfoliation is performed by holding the skin taut, a sterile 10 gauge blade is stroked across the skin at a 45 degree angle gently exfoliating dry skin and vellus hair. The treatment takes about 20 minutes with an immediate result of luminous, smooth skin. This treatment is recommended for all skin types with the exception of those who suffer from acne.

$150 per treatment

LightStim LED Light Therapy

LED stands for Light Emitting Diode, which is a tiny computer chip encased in glass. Each LED wavelength (color) of light provides unique therapeutic benefits. LightStim LED light therapy delivers light energy in a similar way plants absorb light energy from the sun. LightStim emits UV-free, beneficial light rays that energize cells and stimulate the body's natural process to build new proteins and regenerate cells. LightStim LED Light Therapy is the most effective technology for achieving healthy and youthful skin. It is soothing, painless, and can be used on all skin types to diminish fine lines and wrinkles with no downtime. The Light Therapy treatment alone takes 20 minutes can also be an add on to other services.

Starts at $150 per session

Cortisone Injections for Acne

Cortisone Injections for acne is a cosmetic treatment to professionally cleanse the skin, extract blackheads and whiteheads and clean clogged pores. Cortisone Injections help to reduce current acne outbreaks. Patients also have the option to have acne cysts injected with a mild steroid injection to active cystic lesions.

Cortisone Injections start at $150

Silk Peel Dermal Infusion Facial

The Silk Peel is an advanced form of microdermabrasion (without the crystals) that gently exfoliates the top layers of the skin, while at the same time is infusing a skin specific topical solution to give you a glow and revitalize your skin. The topical vitamin treatments are formulated to address hyper-pigmentation, acne, photo damage, and dehydration. If you are having the a series of Silk Peel treatments, you should expect to do them about once every 3-4 weeks for optimal results. The Silk Peel treatment is safe on all skin types, and because the treatments are so gentle, you can have them done as often as you would like. A Silk Peel treatment takes approximately 45 minutes, with extractions 75 Minutes.

starts at $300

VI Peel

The VI Peel is the deepest peel that we offer. It is a medical grade chemical peel that addresses the signs of aging, reduces the effects of sun damage and restores the skins surface to give a smoother and more radiant appearance. This peel has little to no discomfort associated with it, and is safe for all skin types. The active ingredients in the VI peel are; Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) 7%, Salicylic Acid 2%, Retinoid Acid 8%, Phenol, Glycolic Acid, and Vitamin C. The Vitamin A is a proven wrinkle fighter, while the TCA relieves fine wrinkles and surface blemishes. During the healing process, skin will slough off and may look flushed or red. The recovery time for the VI Peel is typically four to six days. Multiple peels maybe needed to achieve your desired results. The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes.

starts at $400

Jessner’s Peel

The Jessner's Peel is designed to remove superficial layers of skin, dry out active acne, dislodge blackheads, reduce shallow wrinkling and scarring, help lighten hyperpigmentation and improve the overall appearance and health of sun-damaged, acne prone, aging skin. The Jessner's solution is a combination of resorcinol, salicylic acid and lactic acid.This peel is safe for darker skin types. During the healing process, skin will slough off and may look flushed or red. The recovery time for the Jessner’s Peel is typically four to six days. Multiple peels maybe needed to achieve your desired results. The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes.

starts at $200

PCA Sensi Peel®

PCA Sensi Peel® is formulated as a unique peeling option for all patients, including those with highly sensitive skin. This gentle combination of 6% TCA, Lactic Acid 12%, Kojic Acid,  Azelaic Acid, Arbutinnand, L-Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) solution will improve surface texture and brighten the skin while helping to promote an even skin tone. This multi-faceted and skin-brightening chemical peel is an excellent option for sensitive skin types. During the healing process, skin will gradually slough off and may look flushed for a few days. The recovery time for the PCA Sensi Peel is typically four to six days. Multiple peels maybe needed to achieve your desired results. The procedure takes approximately 30 minutes. This is a great option for a patients first time peel. 

PCA Sensi Peel starts at $200

TCA Peel

The Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) 20%-25% peel is a cosmetic treatment used to improve the appearance of the skin by removing dead skin cells and stimulating new skin cell growth. Immediate post peel your skin will appear frosty white, and then it will turn a deep red before turning dark brown for about three days, followed by peeling off over then next few days. Within one week to ten days, fine lines will be erased, age spots will be diminished, and collagen production will be stimulated and new skin that is fresh and radiant will appear. Multiple peels maybe needed to achieve your desired results. This is my go to peel for resurfacing the delicate under eye area. The procedure takes approximately 15-30 minutes.

$300 for under eyes

$450 for full face